The Audubon Sculpture Project - Donations 

The organizers of The Audubon Mural Project are excited to announce The Audubon Sculpture Project, a new public art initiative brought to you by Gitler &_____, NYC Audubon, and the Broadway Mall Association.

With the Audubon Sculpture Project, artist Nicolas Holiber will build 12 sculptures of birds that the National Audubon Society has found to be particularly threatened by climate change. The dozen sculptures will be crafted over the next year in a Brooklyn warehouse, and when possible, in vacant retail spaces along the Broadway corridor. In April 2019, these avian artworks will be installed along Broadway from 67th Street north to 168th Street, and will remain until the winter. This will mark the twelfth sculpture show from the Broadway Malls Association.

    With your support, we will make this extraordinary project a reality. Donations will be made through NYC Audubon, a 501(c)(3) organization, and your gift is tax deductible within the limits prescribed by law.

    Please join us at any level by contacting the gallery: or donate by clicking on the TICKETS TAB HERE

    Audubon Sculpture Project Supporter: $300

    • You’ll receive recognition on The Audubon Sculpture Project webpage
    • You'll receive 2 bird-themed t-shirts designed by Nicolas Holiber.
    • You'll receive a framed photo print of a bird sculpture of your choosing.

    Audubon Sculpture Project Benefactor: $600

    • You’ll receive recognition on The Audubon Sculpture Project webpage
    • You'll receive 2 bird-themed t-shirts designed by Nicolas Holiber.
    • You'll receive a framed photo print of a bird sculpture of your choosing.
    • You'll receive a 3D printed bird maquette (of your choosing) which will be fabricated from the original twelve models on view at our kick-off party. Each 3D bird is being printed in an edition of 5.

    "Bird Lover” Sculpture Patron: $1,200

    • You’ll receive recognition on The Audubon Sculpture Project webpage
    • You'll receive 2 bird-themed t-shirts designed by Nicolas Holiber.
    • You'll receive one of the twelve original wooden sculpture maquettes which will be on view at our kick-off party.  These will be awarded on a first come, first served basis.

    Audubon Sculpture Collector: $6,000

    • You’ll receive recognition on The Audubon Sculpture Project webpage
    • You'll receive 12 bird-themed t-shirts designed by Nicolas Holiber.
    • You'll receive all twelve 3D printed bird maquettes which will be fabricated from the original twelve models on view at our kick-off party. Each 3D bird is being printed in an edition of 5.
    • You'll receive framed photo prints of all 12 bird sculptures.

    Individual Audubon Sculpture Sponsor: Contact the gallery for more details

    • You’ll receive recognition on The Audubon Sculpture Project webpage as the sponsor of your adopted bird.
    • You'll receive 12 bird-themed t-shirts designed by Nicolas Holiber.
    • You'll receive a framed photo print of your adopted bird sculpture.
    • You'll receive a 3D printed bird maquette of your adopted bird (each 3D bird is being printed in an edition of 5).
    • You'll receive adjacent credit while the bird is being displayed on Broadway from April 2019 - December 2019.

    Lead Audubon Sculpture Project Sponsor: Contact the gallery for more details

    • You’ll receive recognition on The Audubon Sculpture Project webpage as the lead sponsor of The Audubon Sculpture Project.
    • You'll receive 24 bird-themed t-shirts designed by Nicolas Holiber.
    • You'll receive framed photo prints of all 12 bird sculptures.
    • You'll receive a 3D printed bird maquette of all 12 bird sculptures (each 3D bird is being printed in an edition of 5).
    • You'll receive a private artist tour and talk
    • You'll receive lead credit on display posters during the months when birds are built on Broadway
    • You'll receive lead credit while the birds are displayed on Broadway from April 2019 - December 2019.